Tinley’s Blog

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Blended Finished Book


Isabella is a friend anyone could ask for. According to the text, after what happened up at school Imani thought she would have know friends after the noose was found in her locker because Imani is white and Isabella is black but Isabella didn’t care that she was white all she cared was that they were friends and that’s all that mattered. Also at the sleepover when they saw a noose on T.V instead of Isabella helping her and stressing her more she called Imani’s mom so she could give her space. In school Isabella always stays by Imani’s side and never leaves it so she can give her company to make her laugh and makes sure nothing happens to her. Isabella always finds away to spend time with her friend and to hang out with her. Isabella also has always been a good friend from start and has never changed even if they have different personality’s and different skin tones but that does not stop them from being best friends. That’s why Isabella is a friend anyone could ask for.

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2 Comments to

“Blended Finished Book”

  1. May 9th, 2022 at 7:09 pm      Reply Hudson Koesters Says:

    I agree that isabella is someone who could be your friend because she is not mean she is kind

  2. May 10th, 2022 at 1:03 pm      Reply Lillian Says:

    Tinley, I agree that Isabella is a friend to anybody because she has been through a lot but she manages to stick together pretty well and she doesn’t just fall apart.

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