I gave the Bridge Home five stars because most of the book it made me think why are they doing this and what might happen next and I am interested in books that I question and that are suspenseful that keep me at the edge of my seat. That is why I gave the Bridge Home five stars.
Arul is my favorite character in the Bridge Home because even though Arul was living outside in the cold weather nothing stopped him from going to church and spending all the money they got for their business to thank God even though most of time he was in danger and almost got hurt he still wanted to thank God for all he did to protect him. Also when Rukku died Viji was depressed and thought it was all her fault Arul supported her. When Viji was given a chance to go to a boarding school so she could become a teacher like she has always dreamed of she didn’t want to go because she did not want to leave Muthu because he was having a hard time but Arul told her to follow her dream and she did.That is why Arul is my favorite character in the Bridge home.
When They Went to Church to Thank God
My favorite part was when they went to church to thank God because I like that all they have gone threw all their losses it has been really hard for them and they luckily started a business by selling bead necklace’s and they got a lot of money for their business. They could have spent their money on food, clean clothes, or a shelter but they spent all their money on candles to thank God. That is why it is my favorite part when they went to church to thank God in the Bridge Home.
Authors Purpose
The authors purpose was to teach us to keep trying and never give up. The authors purpose is don’t give up because in the book even though Rukku had a disability she was still able to get money for her and Viji, Muthu, and Arul by making necklaces. Viji had to take care of two kids and keep them safe but it was hard but she kept trying and she did it. Arul had to take care of Muthu by his self on a bridge that had nothing to keep Arul and Muthu safe but he did. Muthu was able to fight back at the illness he had and he survived. That’s what the authors purpose was to keep trying and never give up.