Tinley’s Blog

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Letter to Mr. Brown


Dear Mr. Brown you are the best reading teacher that I have had. I hope you have the best summer and I hope you will still do your bad dad jokes during and after this summer. I wish you could stay so I could be in your class. One thing I wont miss staying in the margins. Anyway I will never ever forget this year and I hope your new job goes well. Byeeeeeeeeeeee!


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Hope in the Holler Chapter-10


Wavie is depressed. According to the text, it said that she still had her mama’s blanket and as she sniffed in it she cried herself to sleep. Also she does not seem that happy anymore because she’s so mad sad and she has been having mixed feelings ever since her mama passed away. She now has Samantha Rose as her guardian who is really mean and makes Wavie seem more depressed because she is angry. Last she depressed because Samantha Rose never smiled in single picture she took but she always was looking at Wavis mama which always and still does remind her of her mama which makes her depressed. That is why I think that Wavie is depressed.

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Hope in the Holler pg.1


I have a question I need to ask how did Wavie’s mom die and why is Wavie not seem sad that her mom is dead? That’s why I want to continue reading Hope in the Holler.

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Blended-Final Blog Post



I gave Blended four stars because… this book teaches us to love one another even with different skin colors and different personality’s. This book kept me at the edge of my seat when I had to stop reading I just couldn’t stop thinking of what might happen next.


Isabella is my favorite character because… she is a good friend actually she was the best friend and she is hardworking. It is also really hard for her because she has to have to of every thing which is really hard for her. That is why Isabella is my favorite character in the book Blended.

Isabella getting a full working key board

My favorite part was when Isabella got a full working keyboard because she used to get play piano’s that broke all the time and she was sad when her parents got her a doll on her seventh birthday. A couple years later she got all she wanted a full working keyboard which made a big smile face. That’s why when Isabella got a full working keyboard was my favorite part in the book blended.

Authors Purpose

I think the authors purpose was to teach us to love everyone even if they are different and to teach us that life never goes your way and it never will and if it doesn’t go your way don’t give up get up and try again. I think that was the authors purpose in the book BLENDED!

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Blended Finished Book


Isabella is a friend anyone could ask for. According to the text, after what happened up at school Imani thought she would have know friends after the noose was found in her locker because Imani is white and Isabella is black but Isabella didn’t care that she was white all she cared was that they were friends and that’s all that mattered. Also at the sleepover when they saw a noose on T.V instead of Isabella helping her and stressing her more she called Imani’s mom so she could give her space. In school Isabella always stays by Imani’s side and never leaves it so she can give her company to make her laugh and makes sure nothing happens to her. Isabella always finds away to spend time with her friend and to hang out with her. Isabella also has always been a good friend from start and has never changed even if they have different personality’s and different skin tones but that does not stop them from being best friends. That’s why Isabella is a friend anyone could ask for.

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Blended 10-25


Isabella’s parents are trying to hard. According to the text, it said every other week after school her dad would bring her to Target and let her pick out whatever she wants. Also her parents were fighting about who would hang out with her because they had many plans for her like bowling and her dad would bring her to Music Hall. When all kids had to go home because of what happened her parents offered her if she would like to stay home and every second they would ask her are you okay. Last her dad spoils her with all he has in is house and even if her moms house is small her mom does everything she can do to make it comfortable for her. That why I think Isabella’s parents are trying to hard to make Isabella happy.

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Blended 1-9


I think that Isabella is not realize how hard her parents work to make her happy. According to the text, it said for her 7th birthday they got her a doll and she was upset that she got a doll and not a piano. Her parents did all they could to try to get a piano for her birthday but they were to expensive. They got her many different play piano’s that she complained about because they kept breaking but her parents needed a break from all the noise she was creating. They also got her a doll she was not grateful for. She didn’t appreciate the gifts her parents got for her because she didn’t get what she always wanted. A couple years later she got a very nice keyboard that her parents saved up their money to get her and she was very thankful.

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Rope Burn


Rope Burn by. Jan Siebold tells about a boy who can’t climb a rope, he thinks he will be humiliated, but finds out he is the best rope climber. A boy named Richard couldn’t climb a rope. He thinks he will be humiliated but meets a boy. The boy told him he could teach him how to climb a rope. The next two days when it was Richards turn to climb the rope he climbed the highest and turned out to be the best rope climber.

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The Bridge Home-Final Blog Post



I gave the Bridge Home five stars because most of the book it made me think why are they doing this and what might happen next and I am interested in books that I question and that are suspenseful that keep me at the edge of my seat. That is why I gave the Bridge Home five stars.


Arul is my favorite character in the Bridge Home because even though Arul was living outside in the cold weather nothing stopped him from going to church and spending all the money they got for their business to thank God even though most of time he was in danger and almost got hurt he still wanted to thank God for all he did to protect him. Also when Rukku died Viji was depressed and thought it was all her fault Arul supported her. When Viji was given a chance to go to a boarding school so she could become a teacher like she has always dreamed of she didn’t want to go because she did not want to leave Muthu because he was having a hard time but Arul told her to follow her dream and she did.That is why Arul is my favorite character in the Bridge home.

When They Went to Church to Thank God

My favorite part was when they went to church to thank God because I like that all they have gone threw all their losses it has been really hard for them and they luckily started a business by selling bead necklace’s and they got a lot of money for their business. They could have spent their money on food, clean clothes, or a shelter but they spent all their money on candles to thank God. That is why it is my favorite part when they went to church to thank God in the Bridge Home.

Authors Purpose

The authors purpose was to teach us to keep trying and never give up. The authors purpose is don’t give up because in the book even though Rukku had a disability she was still able to get money for her and Viji, Muthu, and Arul by making necklaces. Viji had to take care of two kids and keep them safe but it was hard but she kept trying and she did it. Arul had to take care of Muthu by his self on a bridge that had nothing to keep Arul and Muthu safe but he did. Muthu was able to fight back at the illness he had and he survived. That’s what the authors purpose was to keep trying and never give up.

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The Bridge Home-chpt. 21-25


I think the Mart man will come search for Viji and the other kids again. According to the text, he ripped their clothes and all their stuff was messed up so I think he got mad and continued to search but failed. Also the Mart man was asking them weird questions like where do you live and what is your name so I think he is trying to know their personal information and he probably was mad that they did not answer his question. He also got really annoyed of them because they were in a fight with some boys so he maybe wanted revenge for them annoying him. This is why I think the Mart man will come to search for them.

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